Market Research Companies

In some ways the proliferation of new data sources and technologies have made market research more complicated. Well designed and executed survey research is still a core part of the MR toolbox but clients are increasingly interested in understanding their customers by analyzing the passive data they collect on customer behaviors. The popularization of Big Data as a solution to every business problem has created high client expectations.

If you work with data, then you know the promise is still ahead of reality. Client organizations are often siloed and data is often disorganized, mislabeled, or inaccurate. Even if you can pull accurate data together, you need someone to help make sense of it and to turn insights into something of value for your clients. Data analysts and scientists are in high demand and can be expensive to hire and retain. Echo CX can help by providing your agency with research consulting and an extra set of hands on specific projects when needed. A little extra help and a fresh perspective can motivate the whole team to generate better insights and meet critical deadlines.